Barbara Pillow Sidibeh

Barbara Pillow Sidibeh

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The intent of feedback builds student learning capacity or hinders the capacity. The instructor is key to the outcome.


Effective communication - instuctor, student, group is important. The insturctor must provide opportunity for the student to develop effective communication The instructor must communicate effectively. Learning isn't linear. Learning is achieved ia scaffolding, building upon prior skills.


I sum what I learned in 3 words.

1. Framewoek

2. Syllabus

3. Assessment


The instructor is responsible for managing the course. This includes student engagement, conflict resolution, and providing appropriate support for each student.


Choose your words carefully when providing feedback. Synchronous discussions are for small groups, 4-5. Asynchronous discussions are used when critical course content is being discussed.


Presence, authority, and relationship are important concepts for the E Learning experience. Establish, and maintain instructor presence and authority. Develop instructor - student relationships.


I am essential to student succes. I must be familiar with the CMS. I must be an effective communicator to ensure student confidence and ease of use of E Learning.


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