Veronica Diez

Veronica Diez

About me


This course was very interesting. I think there is a pending issue.

What may I do whena worker is not integrated into the team? If i do everything I can to integrate him/her but it was not posible, is there anything else to do? Would I have to fire him? 

Sometimes it´s very difficult to see where the limit is to preserve that worker.

The most important part of the admission´s process is the way we treat to the candidates. I´ve got a lot of cases in which a new student has been recommended by an old student. The fair customer practices are essential to attract new students in the future.
Discussion Comment
I will update the information of my resource notebook every week or when I need it. I´ve got a question. If an student ask me about some information not including on the catalog or in the enrollment contract...Must I give him that information? I know that admission´s staff must give an accurate information but in sometimes the students or prospective students ask about things aren´t related with the institution.

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