Itzel  Gutierrez

Itzel Gutierrez

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My takeaway from this module is that it is very important to take the extra steps to ensure that we authenticate and give the correct information is very important. 

When I read the statement "Nothing can ruin an online course environment quicker than when the technology doesn’t work on the instructor’s side." made me realize that making sure the instructor is proficient in the technology used for a course, is just as important and the students understadnig. We constantly highlight that a student's understanding is key to their succsess but we forget that the instructor is just as important in this equation! 

This is the first time I have instructed an online circulumn. I have Instructed circulumns in the past that have have offered online components as support but not soley online. The following core elements of active learning I will begin to implement are Immersion, Self-reflection, and Individualism. I really like how this course was able to explain these concepts and highlight why its importance in applying them. 

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