Jennifer Guenther

Jennifer Guenther

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Basic computer literacy does not always meet the needs of the workplace anymore.  Encouraging classes and system experience, including computerized charting, is a way to build students to be able to function in the current workplace. I too have had to take classes to improve my skills to better my abilities in the workplace. 


Encouraging students to make the most of all opportunities that come their way is crucial in helping them grow.  They get down when they don't get a clincial site they wanted or have to do clincial virtually and may miss great learning opportunities.  Teaching them how the situation they find themselves in and how they pertain to real life opens their eyes to anothe realm of learning. The more they can "see" the more they will learn.


Group activities in a virtual clincial world can be challengeing.  Face time has proved beneficial in allowing student to work together and maintain social distancing.  Group activites in person are not always welcome with open arms but prove to be beneficial at the end of the program.  Students must be presented the idea in a positive manner to help promote that soft skill and allow them to practice controlling their emotions.


This is a comon frustration that I come acros often and have not been sure how to address.  I tell them to watch their grammar and spelling, but sometimes all I can say is what you wrote made no sense. Occassionally I have had them redo the assignment. I feel addressing this takes away from the nursing focus, but often medical terminology is so wrong - it gives a poor impression of a student that otherwise has grasped a concept.


Taking time to teach students and being patient as they acquire and practice the skills is vital to encouraging their growth.  This is also good to remember when growing staff in hopsital or such settings - as newer nurses - this is a process in the works.


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