Julie Lewis

Julie Lewis

About me

I am a fairely new instructor and am always looking for new ways to reach out to my students.  I am a mostly "hands on" instructor ( since I teach mostly labs) and have found myself searching the internet looking for new and creative ideas.  I would like to be able to find some sites in which to elaborate more within my phlebotomy classes. if anyone is out there that has any ideas please let me know.


I enjoyed the course and am glad  because I learned some new things regarding the laws.  I am able to enforce and use quite a bit of this within my teaching habits. thanks

I enjoy being a new instructor and I too feel that I am consistantly learning with the students and keeping up to date with all of the materials

I feel I don't have enough support at home to sustain the stress at work at times. I am attempting new strategies to aid in this matter. wish me luck
Discussion Comment
I feel stressed mostly in my private life rather than my professional life. I am raising a grandchild and although I am married I receive absolutely no assistance at home. So on top of lesson plans, homework time with the little one, grading papers, and lack of sleep, I feel extreme stressors at home.
I am ok with all of the lesson planning, lectures etc. However, I am having a hard time associating and reasoning with the stressers associated with a noninterested student. I let it get to me when a student shows no interest and appears to be elsewhere. I have tried to come up with fun and accommidating ways for this student to bring him back to the classroom discussion. Help
sometimes I find it hard to keep the attention of my students during lecture
upon the first day of class not only do I hope to have a great first impression, but want to be able to reach my students intellectually
With the text delivered sometimes it is difficult to accomplish a well delivered lesson plan
I feel as a new instructor I am not getting the point across on some of the material I am teaching. With note taking, board writing , video, hands on etc i still feel some are not getting it? HELP

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