James Williams

James Williams

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Inam glad we are using a textbook, with test already built and included.  I also appreciate the fact that curriculum has already been prepared.  This tells me that all points we just reviewed have been considered by the staff that built this course.  In other words, why reinvent the wheel when one has already been prepared. 

This is valuable for large classes where duplication is required.  Also, selecting an approved text will aid in the cohesiveness needed when instructing large classes.

Quite frankly, this section scared me due to the myriad of levels in which our students are.  In other words, how does one go about addressing the fact that they are from different backgrounds and may have different ideas about morals and values.  Better yet, how does one go about compartmentalizing the differences?

Well, relax.  This has already been done.  From my vantage point and in a wonderful display of "cooperation", classes reason (on their own) the best way to go about operating as a class.  This is usually brought forward by an undercurrent of "motus operandi" on behalf of… >>>

The Socratarian method of questioning deals with finding better ways to answer difficult questions.  This is entirely another way of saying that all questions should be taken seriously when we really consider the question.  It is common sence, explained for the multitudes!

When considering the different learning styles, this lesson has given me new ideas to effectively serve the entire class.  In order to reach the ENTIRE class, my selection of learning modals must vary.

Motivation should always be part of the instructor strategy, to maintain classroom lesson plan and also give the instructor a way to connect emotionally with the students.  This type of motivation makes the subjects want to become involved and see how their expertise is building.

By far, the section which dealt with storytelling and keeping your students interested or "student buy-in" was useful in that it reinforced the fact that 10 to 15 minutes are attention span boundaries.  With this information, and other technical explanations, one can better build an effect delivery strategy.

Wow!  15 to 18 minutes...that is all?  The time you have, to make a difference, in the way someone might grasp the information that you are instructing them on.  This information speak volumes along the lines of supporting your students in their pursuit of learning.  Preparation; command of the subject matter at hand; and classroom management are three focus points that an instructor has to learn to use properly.

This section was successful with reminding me how an instructor must be supportive to his students.  The instructor has to be able to:

  • provide enough guidance and counselling to help the student feel comfortable in the class
  • emotional enough to receive any concerns of students
  • maintain class with integrity and prover, fair doctrine with which all students must understand and ultimately comply with.
  • must be prepared to instruct
  • maintain integrity
  • share with class the expectations that course requires
  • show courtesy, support and diligence
  • perform proper classroom introduction
  • Conduct class by using institutions guidelines
  • maintain professionalism
  • create dialog with class to show them you are interested in their advancement
  • be trustworthy, be able to have confidence in your ability, skills, and the ability to relay this to your students
  • ability to listen and act accordingly using established methods

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