My experience in sales has me tending to leave shorter voicemails. Long ones tend to push for later responses from receipients as they may need more time to listen to the message without distraction to focus on content. I also agree with most on this forum that the tendency for most nowadays is to prefer text as the preferred messaging system.
My biggest take away in all this is that we need to have a greater self awareness ourselves so we can "read" our students properly. Acting accordingly will come in practice.
I strongly believe there's always room for improvement. I also realize there's no need to reinvent the wheel - but you can smooth out flat spots with some coaching on how to drive.
This topic is important for me to appropiately maintain communication to my constituents. I intend on making sure I follow the guidelines to protect the interests of the school and make sure that we aren't in any risk of violating oversight policy.
I did not know that some schools require that students have a background check requirement corresponding with their intended careers. It's helpful to know that there are additional requirements to assist in protecting the interests of the students and organization.
I remember when these regulations weren't enforced when I was considering a private University to attend. I specifically remember the school bad mouthing one another on pricing, programs, length, etc. In hindsight I wish I had these kinds of protections at the time.
Much of this information is in line with current country politics - attention to trending behaviors of regulatory actions on part of the Federal Government are to be expected with the new administration.
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