John Balauat

John Balauat

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Having clear guidelines help protect your students but also decreases confusion on exactly how accomplish this.

Discussion Comment

I have have my group finishing work early and half waiting until last minute. What happens to the ones that wait for the last min is that I definitely find the quality of their work suffers.  Like it was only turned in for completion but not for any learning benefit.

Comment on Eileen Epsaro's post:  I really appreciate the R2D2 approach and intend on using it in my future endevours.

Comment on Lori Johnson's post:  What is your solution to this?

I learned how important and convenient email communication can be when dealing with students.  The security and ability to save the emails is invaluable.

I was pleasantly surprised that small talk was encouraged in synchronous communication but I understand that it can put the students at ease and help build rapport.

It was interesting to know how simple it is to project your presence online by having a good biography posted on you profile.

I've learned that there is still I have to learn in order to effectively teach, that includes using online tools which can aid in not only presenting content to the students but also aid in organizing the information.

One of the things that stuck out to me when teaching was motivating the students by keeping them well informed about their progress.  That way they know how well they are doing and well be excited about learning and progressing.

Enthusiasm for the subject can keep students engaged even when the subject matter is difficult.

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