About me
About me
I learned that you set priorities as A, B, and C lists, then you omit the C list and narrow your B lists into A's and C's.
You must also make sure your A list doesn't turn into shor term goal always being a priority over your long-term goals.
I can apply this at my business, since I wear several "hats" in the company. Prioritizing and being more organized can lead to more effective business in the work place.
Support comes from other managers, co-workers, and even family and friends.
I've been taking courses here for about a year now and find some as a refresher course and others very helpful to enhancing my teaching abilities.
Group Retention is something I keep into consideration each and every class. I make sure my students feel important and know the importance of a college education.
Hello, My name is Jeannine Mazurkiwecz. I've been an instructor at McCann in Hazleton for almost 5-years now. I am also a business owner and have a degree is Mass Communications. I could not agree more with the 80-20 philosophy. I tell my students that they should focus on knowing their "text" material in theory, and most importantly, know how to apply what they learn in a job setting. I find it easier to keep their attention when they are involved in "hands-on" projects.
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I always say, "you get more with honey then vinegar"!! That being said, maybe it's time you have a one-on-one conversation with this employee. Make it a positive experience! I would compliment them on their loyalty to your former boss, and past friend. I would also praise them for all of the hard work they've put into the company. You can even ask him/her for suggestions on how they think you could do your job better, since taking over the position. Consider their position! What if the shoe was on the other foot? When this is all said and… >>>