Jean Dugrot

Jean Dugrot

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Understanding different styles of learning can assist me in tailoring the delivery of content in a manner that is suitable to my audience and more effective. Such approach maximizes learning. 

Taking the time to learn about my students as well as allowing them to learn about me, provides an opportunity to share our backgrounds and experiences. As an instructor it can help me gage experience levels and personalities, which can then assist me in proper pairing of personnel for assignments. It also provides me with an understanding of their knowledge and understanding of the material. 

This course educated me on the technical and professional aspect of teaching. As professionals, we need to set the example and the tone that we want our students to emulate. This includes, but its not limited to the way we dress, speak, and carry ourselves. From a technical perspective, being able to properly plan and execute lessons is critical to ensure effective delivery of the content. 

As facilitators, we must understand that lesson plans require continuos maintenance and reflection to ensure the material is current, relevant, and that the objectives and standards are clearly delivered and understood.


This course has provided me with an understanding of key fundamental practices that facilitate effective content delivery to maximize learning (e.g., Knowing yourself as well as your students, time management, and providing necessary resources). Some key take-aways that I plan to utilize include;

1. Student introductions and the use of pretests to gage their experience, knowledge, and learning style.

2. Planning accordingly to meet teaching timelines 

3. Ensuring that I provide the necessary resources and training material. 

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