Jeffrey Rentzel

Jeffrey Rentzel

Location: yti career institute-york campus

About me

I come from the business environment and the education sector is new to me.


overall business elements


It is encumbent on all educators to make every attempt to fairly present course material to all types of learners; from over acheivers, to ELL students to learning disabled.  If given the opportunity anybody that receives fair and proper education opportunities to further hteir career options makes for a more diverse and stronger workforce.

Tests and evaluations are just as important for the instructor to gauge how effective their teaching methods are as to evaluate the students with a grading system.  Tests, quizes and homework shouldn't contain information that the student doesn't know but more along the lines of what they should comprhend at that point in a course.

If you can't measure (assessment) what the students are retaining from your teaching courses, then the whole process is one sided.  This module showed me that testing isn't so much to see what the student doesn't know, but more of a measurement of where they are in the learning process.  Assessments can be a tool to guage the effectiveness of course instruction.

Blog Comment

Not being from the educational field, this course was very insightful on how to approach instructing in the classroom.

Although one would think all the concepts in this training session would be considered "common sense", I believe it is always a benefit to actually pull each concept apart and anaylize them.  This course explains why we do these particular procedures in order to get a better handle on the overall BIG picture in what it is that we ,as an institution, are expected to deliver on a consistent basis.

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