I appreciate that many adult learners are independent and self-motivated but some adults need more guidance and encouragement in the process. I appreciate the different types of learning techniques to incorporate into the classroom setting to help the different type of adult learners and their post experiences.
I was challenged in my role for successful student advising. As per Crockston, the result will vary in degrees of learning by both the student and advisor however the student will need to take responsibility for his or her actions and decisions.
I learned about the strategies for active listening using both verbal and nonverbal communication.
I learned about the customer-friendly service and institution which is student focused, accounts for the student needs and preferences, committed to effective and responsive solutions, flexible and creative people working at the institution, and professional performance.
I learned about the many factors that play a role in the retention and success of adult students.
I was unaware of the Solomon Amendment, Gramm-Leach-Bailey Act, U.S. Patriate Act and SAVIS. I appreciate this online learning forum.
I appreciate FERPA and the degree of protection of student's educational records as it compares to HIPPA and patient's medical records.
Understanding the policies and procedures of FERPA is paramount to remain compliant.
I appreciated learning about FERPA and the importance of the following the laws on student's records.
Varying the teaching style, adult attention span of 15-18 minutes, we remember about 25% of what we hear and retain about 40% of what we read were all helpful tips.
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