jeremy foreman

jeremy foreman

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Lesson plans work as a road map and are very helpful in keeping things rolling correct.

Having folder for you lesson plans will make going back to the stuff you have already taught much easier.

Knowing what the student know and does not know will help you as the instructor know how and what to teach the class.

That giving a zero on a test rather than sitting down with the student and asking why they got the zero, and then giving them a chance to retest or do extra credit could be more beneficial.

I learned that it is important to redirect the class if they are not getting the topic the way you deliver it. 

The way you deliver the content will help the student learn it and retain it better.

I learned that you should be prepared for class before class. Having everything you need for the class ready for the students is very important.

I learned that the student will show you through body language that something is wrong with him or her. Managing the students in the class in of great importance because if you have one or more disrupting class the others will not be doing as well as can be.


I learned how to deal with different aged students, and to use the students own abilities to the advantage of the class. They may be talk loud, often, and not on topic. But you cab=n use them to get the class going and stay on top of where it is going. 


I learned how to start a class with ice breakers. Making them feel evolved and not so nervous. The syllabus has all the information that is need to know about the class.


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