Jean Erickson

Jean Erickson

About me

I am a new teacher. I have been an RN for over 30 years. I enjoy working in the clinical area the most and feel as if I am really helping my student nurses there.


knitting, piano, hiking, gardening


Nursing has definitely taken notice of the overwhelming amount of knowledge we are teaching. The Conceptual Learning Model is an answer. In it the nurse will learn ther concept sucvh as oxygenation. Then he/she will be competent to care for the patient with impaired oxygenation instead of memorizing all the posssible diseases that are the cause. It takes critical thinking so that is a challange to teach, but the flipped classroom helps.

I love this idea. One time I was going to make up little cards of some guidelines I keep in my pocket that I refer to frequently and seem to never keep in memory no matter how many times I memorize them for class. I require that my students memorize them and it has become kind a point to smile about me out of class. So I do it if they have tropuble remembering like me and also to think of me after graduation.

I also think the emails now and then can be good refreshers later when things tend to… >>>

Reply to Sandra Rosenberg's post:

Whan I was working on my bachelors many instructors used power points with lecture. We had copies of the power points and could folloe along and make notes - it cut down on the time spent making notes that interfer with listening to the lecture. However the lectures were not repititions of the power points - they were expansions, explanations, examples etc. I have also taken many courses online because of my location, but much prefer lectures. I get a lot more out of lectures. I do not like just reading from the power point. I… >>>

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I had to add a new group of students to my older group and I agree with everything you said. The older group took on a responsibility to help the newer group and the new group told me they learned so much more and were better prepared to take on my requirements since watching the new group. Although I expect a lot from my students than the other instructors they are willing to take on  the challange and glad for it from what they tell me..

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It is important that the Admissions Team knows all the specifics of a program. Aspects of the program should not be changed midterm, but wait until the next group of students applies.

What is the retention formula? What about the student who is boderline asnd will probably do a poor job in the workplace? What is the job he is preparing for involves the morbidity and mortality of persons?

This is a difficult task.I would ignore her discouraging remarks and not respond to them. I would continue to offer her tutoring and help withoutmaking any discouraging comments.

How can you help a student who is being encouraged to quit by a student she is involved with romantically.

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How can you help a student who is being encouraged to quit by a student she is involved with romantically.

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@gcoleman : Our students are definitely customers. They desedrve quality for their money. Many are making great personal sacrifices in order to better themselves and their work posotion. As instructers we should come prepared and ready to do our best.

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