Jessica McElmury

Jessica McElmury

About me


I just finished ED104. I took many excellent techniques from this course. One in particular is when I ask the class a question(s) to be more patient and wait for them to process the question and formulate a response. I tend to not wait long enough and move quickly through my questions. I recently tried to be more patient after asking a question and let what seemed to be a LONG silence happen until a student answered. I am going to continue my patience :)

looking for ideas to teach medical terminology in a "hands on" way...

Hi just finished ED 102

1.I have learned to be more aware of my student's needs as individuals; as its an important part of  me being an effective instructor.

2.I have changed the way I think about each one of my students as individuals and the ways i can motivate them and get them excited to learn new things while retaining the information given

3. other instructors/faculty to be a resource for support and information with new ideas. training like this is also very valuable

Discussion Comment
I am a very fun loving ,sarcastic person so I tend to make a lot of jokes and have fun during class while getting the objective/subject being learned to the students. Students love it!
i tend to use a few different ways to teach topics in the first few days of class and then ask the students as a whole which way helps them learn best.

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