Jessica  Rigal

Jessica Rigal

Location: fort pierce, fl


human resources and career services


When interviewing for leadership skills, what types of questions might we ask the candidate to assess their style?

Incorporating motivational techniques and innovative strategies in leadership and teaching can lead to increased engagement, productivity and performance. 

Self regulation takes committment, self reflection and practice, and all is coming. 

Self regulation takes committment, self reflection and practice, and all is coming. 

Summarizing the lesson is a wise practice at the end of a lesson for types of learners to make sure we reinforce key concepts and ensure that everyone is on the same page before moving on to the next topic.

Self awareness in learning and communication involves being mindful of your own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and how you relate and communication with others. It is important to have self awareness to convey messages clearly and build stronger relationships. Overall, self awareness is a valuable skill that can enhance professional and personal development. 

I did not know that authentic leadership was considered "a style." We speak of authenticity often, yet the emphasis on self-awareness with empathy is the path to owning it. Thank you.

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