About me
I have been working in the auto/trucking industry for years. The aging process limits my activity and desire so turning to teaching has been alot of fun and fullfilling in so many ways.
About me
I have been working in the auto/trucking industry for years. The aging process limits my activity and desire so turning to teaching has been alot of fun and fullfilling in so many ways.
This was very informative and helps in How to give good feedback when dealing with students/employees.
When I first started as an Instructor, during training the staff video taped me so I could see my self and I was amazed how often I used umm or so....ect.. something I have worked on and improved significantly. Watching the news as often as i do I see people using these crutch words over and over again, certainaly a good habit to break as the listener picks up on it.
I agree, we all have a story that we are living and can impact us in different ways. Being their to listen and encourage them to get through their challenges can be benificial to the student. Not to get to involved but to give good advice and make sure they are using all the resources that are available to them on campus.
This course was very insightful and gave me a number of tools for my tool box to deal with the different personalities we see in the classroom. Their always seems to be a mixture of students that are quiet, while some are the opposite, always talking. Dealing with the different types of students can be fun if you know how to address their needs and concerns. This class did just that, gave me the tools i need to be a better instructor.
I agree with so much that you had to say. Being from an older generation, this technology has not been easy for me to attain. This course was very user frienly and gives me hope that some day I too may be an online instructor.
As a new instructor as well, this information was very helpful and insightful. I learned alot of techniques that will be helpful in the classroom to help me and my students be successful.
As a new instructor has come new training, lots of it. As good as the training has been the feedback has been equally as important to me. I continue to learn new ways to teach and to reinforce the new methods i have learned.
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To me it is really a team effort by all departments to help students succeed. By applying the strengths of each department along with good communication to the student can have a postive impact on them.