Jessica Guerra

Jessica Guerra

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Communication is the most important thing within classes and students.

Although technology can be difficult to manage at times it is key to online leanring.

I have learned environment is everything. If a student doesn't feel happy or comfortable in their environment they will not succeed. I will continue to strive to make my learning environment for students as enticing and inviting as I possibly can.

When students feel comfortable and like they are building relationships not only with other classmates but with their instructors as well it helps them stay engaged and stay consistent in their programs. It makes them feel supported and know they have a good support system to guide them when they are having a hard time. Which in turn helps with retention.

Remembering the 7 principles of learning is essential in online success. It helps maintain good communication and remind everyone to be respectful to one another.

Using and knowing all tools that are available for effective online communication is key.

Communication as in any relationship is essential. This doesn't change when becoming an instructor. Using good communication and maintaining that bridge open always is a good quality to have between student and instructor dynamic. It can make the class feel more comfortable and help them understand the material better.

I learned it's important to check in on my students to make sure they are staying on top of their work and staying motivated.

I learned to try to implent collaborative learning or group based activities every so often can be beneficial.

Just remembering that every class is different whether that is size, personalities, or technology. So being able to adjust my techniques to the needs of each class and taking it into consideration.

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