Jill Brown

Jill Brown

Location: virginia

About me


This course is related to some of the things I have been testing out in my classroom and have already had some success with.  I personally enjoy using videos and games because it keeps me awake during class as well.

Discussion Comment

@scmeaux :I give examples of rediculous things that may happen to them in the work world, because they happened to me.  Funny stories keep them going and helps them to remember the information that triggered the story.

There are lots of very useful suggestions for games to use during Medical Terminology class.  I look forward to trying some of them.


I have also had students who panic when they are about to graduate.  They are terrified of the real world and so they drop out during their last quarter, or switch programs so that they have to start all over again. 

Blog Comment

I learn the most by doing.  I learn what works in class and what does not.  Each group of students is dynamic and different, but there tends to be a pattern as to what they find interesting and what they do not.  There are also so many different ways to present material that it takes practice to develop a style that works well for the group you are with.  When in doubt, try, try again.

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