Jennifer Adkins

Jennifer Adkins

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I learned from this topic that I was practicing some of the principles of gamification but needed to implement more of the visual aids that accompany it to help my students feel successful and excited about completing their course requirements.  I now will have fun using the Leveling up and appropriating points based on the experience system.


Part of the online instructor's role is to teach students how to take responsibility for their own learning and outcomes.  With all the technological advances, students ask a question and an app answers it.  What is research?  Why do I need to read it if you can just tell me what to do or put a video on?  So, we as online instructors, need to facilitate and explain why the process is as important as the end product.  Thus, teaching students to go through the process, read instructions, read the content, and see the improvement or change at the end… >>>

Discussion Comment

Learning how to handle these challenging students takes patience and experience.  You have to remember not to take things personally when a student is not being professional or communicating effectively.

Redirecting students in a fairly quiet computer classroom can be a challenge.  I first ask the student if he/she are feeling alright and offer for he/she to go take a break, get a drink, or freshen up to help wake he/she.  If the student is a repeat offender, I meet with he/she personally to discuss solutions.

This is why we fill that role for students as well as teach self motivation.

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