Jordan Johnson

Jordan Johnson

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Using a metarubric should be a best practice for the effectiveness of your grading rubric.

There should be a holistic approach to creating rubrics with regard to the test or benchmark it is referencing. 

Creating a rubric or rubrics is an intentional process that is related to the students measurement of success. 

Creative effective rubrics will help the student and teacher to develop achievable goals that can be measured using the rubric (so long as it aligns with course objectives). 

Teaching styles and evaluation should align with assessments and if they do not then using the students' input on best ways to yield effective results from those evaluations is important. 

We often times get so invested in what we are teaching that deviating from the subject is not an option. However, if students are not engaged then we should be able to deviate to a different method so the message is received more effectively.

Powerpoints and other presentation must be created intentionally in order to yield an effective response from learners. 

Preparation is critical in setting the foundation for a successful learning environment. 

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