Some students want lectures to be organized and have an outline. Some students like to work alone when others like study groups. I feel as instructors we need to ask how the studen's learn best. If a student is having difficulty then they need to meet with the instructor and try and find away to help the learn.
We need to be able to listen to our students. If they are asking a question, that we feel needs more attention; then we have a responsiablilty to get the anwers for the students. If it is a personal question then find them the rescources that they need to help them. Nothing is ever black and white, their always some gray area.
When a student has a hardtime understanding something; I try to break the information down. I will listen to their questions and try to pharphase what they are asking. I like to talk to my student's in a quiet enviroment. I fell that asking questions, helps me understand what they understand and what they don't understand.
Not everyone will have the same opions but it is important that we all listen.
We as instructors need to have good communication skills when speaking to the student's. Without the students, schools would not be able to give them an education. In a sense they are the "customer". However in a buisness if a customer is upset they may tell ten of their friends. I feel that students can do that as well.
We all have been in a situation were a student feels they are right when they haven't been. Again, we all need to have good communication skills. Dealing with a student or customers can be difficult. How we react and communicate… >>>
I that teachers need to help with any tyoe of baarriers that the student's have. We need to have open communication with them. It is important to help them be able to suceed. I always tell my clinical students if they are having any issues please let me know. Week 5 of a 12 week term can be to late.
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