Jaimie Laudicina

Jaimie Laudicina

About me


How do you encourage part-time employees to care as much about there job or task at hand as full-time employees would?
Information about our school is relayed through the admissions representative at college fairs, guidance visits and maintained relationships. New strategies to implement would be the press release and community newspaper. The vice president of the schools is very involved in the community. He is the President of the chamber of commerce; this would be a great way to relay information about our school to the community. I would probably take on the responsibility of creating and maintaining a monthly newspaper to display monthly information and events.

Hi Everyone, My name is Jaimie; I am a new employee to my college. I have previously worked for a specialized college and had to open up and maintain my own territory. I had no contacts and no previous data to pull from. I am a firm believer in building and maintaining relationships. I developed many relationships with guidance counselors, teachers and even associations to get the word out about my college. The best way to generate new students and make lasting relationships is to meet as many people as you can and stay in touch with them. Whether it's… >>>

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