Jenny Morganti

Jenny Morganti

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Building a career readiness culture among all staff - school counselors (with a 1:400 ratio) cannot be the only individuals responsible for career awareness.  All staff must intertwine career readiness activities and competencies within academic standards. 

I learned the importance of starting early with resume building, to ensure that all accomplishments and skills are included for both employment and personal experiences. 

I learned that is important to have a resource for students that outlines all of the services offered within the department and a timeline for when they have access to these services. 

I learned how I can effectively communicate to my institution the value of a career services department and how it can be beneficial to more than just current students. 

I am curious to know if other states have had better luck with businesses acknowledging and/or having an awareness of the NCRC credential.  Here in NE Ohio, we haven't had much luck!

I think it is a good point to make sure to avoid educational jargon when putting together WBL packets for employers and is something I will keep in mind.  I also believe that PR is so important, even within our schools, to ensure that school personnel understand the value of WBL and also help create connects and spread the word.  

I believe many businesses write off hiring students due to potential liability concerns, so it is important for WBL coordinators to provide them with accurate information.  

I think it is very important to remember that our students can lack the confidence to step into a workplace with adults and that practicing professional skills in a school setting can help build up their confidence.

I think both business and supervisor orientations in theory are best case, but I know that time can be a challenge, both as the coordinator and for the business.  I like the above idea to create a packet or Google slideshow that can be updated regularly and shared, and the individual student experience can be the focus of the in-person contact. 

Formative assessments as well as student reflections are so important, but I think often may get pushed aside when things get busy.  It is an important reminder to prioritize these crucial pieces!

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