Jenna Mila

Jenna Mila

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It is important to make students feel heard, but also showing them that there are many ways to overcome obstacles that can prevent someone from starting school. 

Gathering information will only help you in the long run! Remember to ask questions and keep "peeling the onion" to find out more. 

Teams thrive when people of different strengths work together for desired results.

It is important to have open communication and feel safe to express your thoughts to your coworkers

I learned the best medium to use to communicate with each generation!

I learned how I can communicate with older generations and what influences them to be the way they are. 

Learned about to how make sure the student is comfortable and sure of the program before continuing the enrollment process. Also learned how to re-evaluate my students' goals and how best to help them reach their goals. 

Addressing the challenges and how to overcome them.

I learned about the three As. Acknowledge, Answer, Ask. Remember to dive deep with my student and connect with them. That is how I can best serve them. 

I learned a lot about the proper skills needed when conducting an interview with a student. 

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