Jeanne Marfice

Jeanne Marfice

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Planning to pose questions to access episotic memory to link new info to

I want to find as assessment so that I can know how each of my students learns best.  That way, if they are having difficulty I can 1:1 work with them using their preferred style

There are so many different types of teaching strategies and using a combination in one class is a great way to keep students engaged and motivated to learn the material

New literacy is so much more far reaching and multidementional than the "old" literacy.  However, as has been already posted, the students must consider the source of the information.

Listening, speaking, reading and writing are all important to lead to comprehension.  I will incorporate more student explanations of what they heard in lecture to help retain the information

This is all new to me.  Looking forward to learning more so that I can apply UDL in my classroom

Triggers are very important to know so the educator can prevent a possible flashback

A greater understanding of Bloom's taxonomy.  How it is important with internal alignment


I understand how important it is that we have an advisory committee that meets twice a year.  I also need to find me a mentor.  


Reinforced what I already know about social media being very public.  Also, setting firm and clear boundries.  At my previous job before teaching I had to be available 24/7.  So, I really didn't have any boundries.  It's hard for me not to answer student emails on the weekend or in the evening.  But, I don't.


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