About me
I am a nursing instructor. I have been teaching for a number of years but have been teaching nursing for 8 years. I love the nursing and the teaching profession, therefore, I have great satisfaction incorporating both in the classroom.
About me
I am a nursing instructor. I have been teaching for a number of years but have been teaching nursing for 8 years. I love the nursing and the teaching profession, therefore, I have great satisfaction incorporating both in the classroom.
Great content for ED105. Great strategies and tips to use in the classroom for both novice and experienced instructors.
@hkaiser : Modeling is a great way to teach and encourage your students. When they see how you positively handle stress, they will hopefully emulate the positive behaviors.
What are some of your strategies when reviewing quizzes/exams?
I have done a similar course a few years back, but I certainly learned new strategies to facilitate learning in the classroom.
Is giving extra credit considered grade inflation if it is not factored in the determination of grades on the syllabus?
I do not give extra credit either. I make sure that I allocate points carefully and fairly over the course so that students have every opportunity to pass if they want. Yes, some students waste time and rely on extra credits. I tell them at the beginning of the course that I do not give extra credit but I am always available to assist for advising and tutoring.
Jacqulin Myles
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A staisfied student makes the facilitator satisfied. Helping the student to succeed should be our ultimate goal.