Joshua Nuzzo

Joshua Nuzzo

Location: virginia beach, va

About me



I beleive it allows you to make every student feel important and part of the class. It becomes a group effort.

I believe the course was right on target with keys and goals for student retention. I use alot of the same methods day to day but I believe the most important item mentioned was empathy and caring for students success. I beleive if you cannot be compasionate for your students then your enthusiam for topics tuaght may be overlooked. 

Discussion Comment


I believe I am a very punctual person and important tasks should be completed corectly first and as quickly as possible second. Completing tasks to quickly can potentialy create mistakes that by taking a little more time can be avoided. So, I guess i believe that being the first one finished is not as important as completing the task correctly. 


I understand what you mean when dealing with younger students. I have the benefit of dealing with both the young fresh from high school student and the true adult learner looking to further thier career. I teach an afternoon class with an average age of about 20 and a night class with an average age of about 35. What I find is the younger students need more moral support and someone who believes in them in order to get them to take things serious I feel that they succeed more when they feel they might disapoint me if they don't pass.… >>>

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