Lessly Johana Cepeda Santoyo

Lessly Johana Cepeda Santoyo

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I learn why it’s important to choose different types of evaluations and how to construct effective questions for each type. This knowledge will help me create more targeted and meaningful assessments that align with the learning objectives.

I learned about the importance of student evaluation, exploring the various types of assessments used. Most importantly, I gained a clear understanding of the key differences between formative and summative evaluations, and how each plays a crucial role in the learning process.

I can encourage individuals to think more critically and engage with questions at a deeper, higher level of understanding. This method fosters thoughtful reflection and helps to develop more profound insights into the subject matter.

By recognizing and addressing the diverse learning styles in my classroom, I can customize lectures and projects to cater to these varying approaches. This ensures that every student is effectively absorbing the material and progressing in their understanding of the subject matter being taught.

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