John Bart

John Bart

About me


Reach out to resources that are available as you contemplate copywriting regulations. 

Technology has allowed copywriter infractions to the point that too many people tend to ignore their responsibilities with copywriting protections. The digital world has changed the way we operate. 

There is a difference between non-profit and for-profit institutions in what the law allows.  

Make certain I protect my original work with the copywriter symbol. 

Make certain I am always aware of the Mission and Values of YTI. Also maintain Trust, Transparency and High Standards.

Utilize the resources already available. Try to make the labs as close to F2F as possible.

Simulations are a great way for the students and instructors to evaluate their understanding of the course content. They can also be fun and competitive. 

Asynchronous learning requires a new of thinking about how instructors deliver course content. Making it both fun and educational will require much thought and planning. Both the instructor and student must communicate with each other about how the course design helps obtain the learning outcomes desired. 

I agree that students should determine what type of online environment they will excel in. The VARK and True Colors are excellent tools to assess their learning styles. 

Rubrics are critically important. They provide feedback for the student and help allow the instructor to maintain consistency.

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