Joshua Grau

Joshua Grau

About me


The biggest stress factor is making ends meet for my families financial well being. The job stress is normal and it is relatively easy for me to keep things running smoothly. But sometimes the financial salary of being a teacher just doesn't add up. We find ourselves considering other professional optons, and wonder if they will meet with family approval. We also worry about the future job security etc...fine arts teachers such as myself seeing programs being folded. Society and criteria for success dictate my stress level. The family comes first and monitary reward is paramount. The goal is to… >>>

Most of the methods discussed in this module I have used in my teaching/grading procedures. I find that with very large classroom enrollment, the essay exam method is not going to work for me. Almost all my quiz/tests are given on a scantron sheet. I have found that I've procrastinated in grading these simply because the machine in the main office is broken (more often than not). Next thing I know I have a huge pile...and unfortunately sometimes I have to do it the long hand with a key or punched out scoring sheet. I have decided to make… >>>

It seems I live my life somewhere inbetween immediacy and procrastination. And to be honest, it's working. I don't think its a good idea to lean to heavily to either side. Sometimes we procrasinate when confronted with tasks we really don't want to do, while immediately doing those things we don't mind doing. I figure if we get those things done right away that we don't mind doing, we then have more time to confront those issues that we've procrastinated about. Either way, we need to get our job done...hopefully to be able to sleep at night without stress and… >>>

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