About me
About me
Developing communication skills (Part 1) was most applicable to me. Explaining things clearly, outlining the day, non-verbal cues etc. all were fantastic examples of what I need to be assessing as an instrutor on a daily basis!
Instructing diverse learners and the learning disabled, although important to know, didn't really hit home.
Overall, a great course for beginners and a good course for a refresher.
I learned as a new instructor the terms and planning strategies that I'll use to prepare for classes. I especially enjoyed the videos from Harvard. Each had great insight into this profession.
I completely agree with Orvileta. I would like to refer back to the content as I am a new instructor and will encounter different students in the upcoming terms. I thought the content was helpful and applicable!
End of Content
End of Content
The griping in class is inappropriate. It's happened in my classes before and the snowball effect kicks in. Pretty soon I have an entire class who needs to be heard. From books to financial aid, I can't be the sounding board. I'll address it individually or send them to the appropriate staff member. Overall, ED102 was really great!!