Much of what was stated in this module was things that we already do through our advisory committee. We could definitely shift to have more of a global perspective with our advisroy committee.
I found the "Global Career Readiness Rubric" in the resources section to be very helpful. I hope to use some of these in my course.
I made a change to my course descrption to make it have more of a global emphasis, but this will need to go through a process at my institution before it can be formally changed.
I learned that my program (EET) is in the initial stages of its internalization effors.
Module 1 had some useful activities in the toolkit that I intend to implement in class.
Ignore my previous post. It took me a few tries before I realized I was not supposed to click the NEXT, but instead click the START embedded in the video on the first page. The definition of global competence included "Possession of the knowledge, skills, and diposition to understand and act creatively on issues of global significance." I am currious how we can instil a disposition in our students; knowledge and skills can be taught.
I was only able to see the short video introduction and did not have access to any other material in this module.
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