I have learned about various leadership styles in the past, but the way in which this information was presented and provides benefits and risks of each leadership style has allowed me to do a little self-reflection into my own way of leading. I identified with several different styles based on certain situations or issues so it was helpful to understand that we are not necessarily pigeon-holed into one single style, but rather encouraged to embrace various styles. I think leaders of all levels and experiences would benefit from being more flexible and adpatable in thier approach as it will only… >>>
I learned the key differences and nuances between effective managers and leaders, and that it is important to be a good manager in order to be a good leader. I also came to a realization while going through this module that there are several critical areas that I need to work on in order to be a more effective member of the leadership team in my organization. I have believed that I am a good leader, but I recognize areas in conflict resolution and effective communication that I can improve upon to be more effective as a team member and… >>>
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