James Sesay

James Sesay

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The lesson plan ensures that you stay focused on how to prepare for your class sessions, content and all the materials you need for your instructional delivery.


In life, the first impression usually becomes the lasting impression for which a person or situation may be remembered in the years ahead of us.

The Outline  and  checklist are useful instruments in the planning and preparation phase of teaching.


You can look at motivation that is positive in creating a non-toxic learning environment where all the learning resources (both material and human ) are provided for successful outcomes and against negative motivation,  where the student is left to be a master of his or her own fate.

James Sesay

The Instructor conveys knowledge to the students but that should not make you to think that you are the  smartest  person in the class room. As an Instructor, you are expected to maintain and lead a professional life at all times.


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