Carlos Sans

Carlos Sans

About me


It's important to be clear and truthful in the information we use in social media so as not to create false expectations or misleading offers in order to bring in entangled students.

We must always keep in mind the rules and regulations specified in the catalog, to offer the student clear, truthful and accurate information in the registration. 

It's very important to follow the rules and regulations to protect the student and th school. A complete and honest advertisement can give people full information and confidence.

If we have better knowledge about each program, it allows us to offer the program better, with honesty and accurate, we can give confidence about what the person can expect at the end of the program.

Through  the training I just completed, I realized that information I give to prospective students, is KEY for their success on his/her journey.  We have somehow in our hands the person he/she will become in the future not only professionally but ethical and morally.

It is always a pleasure to take these courses.  I enjoy the freshness of the comments because it allows me to compare the reality of our schools with other similars.

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