Julia Williams

Julia Williams

Location: indiana

About me

Is there anything more fun than finding a classroom activity that excites your students? I have create movies using faculty and staff, and brought in cow organs to class to try to cement the concepts I want the students to learn. I am game for almost any new idea.


horses, travel


i am an audiologist, and have a real estate license


As we try to meet the time constraints of our adult education population, the 4 hour classroom meeting once a week is gaining in usage. Is this the best format for students who attend class after an 8 hour work day? Would two two hour sessions be more beneficial for the student?

We have recently switched to a four hour block for classes. This creates a real challenge for the instructor to maintain classroom energy from 5:30 to 9:30. Students often come to class after a long work day. Activities and energetic music only goes so far. Teach two of these in a day plus office hours and tutoring, and teacher fatigue become a real issue as well. Is the four hour block the best scenario for teachers and students.

fiigure ground exersize to stimulate students into thinking about what they are missing when viewing a picture or a situation.

I teach in Indiana, and would like to start a conversation with instructors in Canada. I am an audiologist, and teach several general education courses: Composition, Presentation Skills, as well as anatomy and physiology. Our college trains students for medical offices. the United States is gravitating toward government health care, and I would like to know if Canadian college instructors face particular challenges when training their students for the medical filed.

You can also find these videos on you tube. They cover many topics. I used the ones on the blood, circulation, and the respiratory process.

I took students for a walk outside and then had them measure their blood oxygen levels. This re-activated their brains for remainder of the evening. It was great!

Drawing the students into a discussion is a winning technique as long as they stay on the medical topic catalyst. Many of my students have had personal experince with some of the medical anomalies that we are discussing in class. I encourage them to share, as long as they do not use the names of the patient or facility.

As we try to meet the time constraints of our adult education population, the 4 hour classroom meeting once a week is gaining in usage. Is this the best format for students who attend class after an 8 hour work day? Would two two hour sessions be more beneficial for the student?

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