Terry Cole

Terry Cole

About me


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All my exams are multiple choice. Students like these exams better as the answer is there to jog their memory. If a student misses an exam he/she will be given a make up exam as long as they have a doctors excuse/legal document explaining that they were not able to attend class that day. A fill in the blank exam will be given instead of multiple choice. They will also lose 10 points for every day it is late. This system has always worked for me.
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Usually on the first day of a module I give a comprehensive exam of the course to see what the students already know (Knowledge Base). The very last day of the module I give a exit exam with the exact same questions and the scores are at least 80% higher. The students really enjoy this because they can see how much they have learned during the course.
I am a fairly new instructor. I have always taught from power points with short videos to keep the students attention. I thought about changing to only teach by using the white board. After this lesson I am no longer sure about that. The reason im considering the change is I have a problem with the student getting sleepy as soon as the lights go off. Any Suggestions!!!!

I am constantly observing the students as I am instructing the class. The largest downfall I see for student are cell phone. What I did to rectify this problem is absolutely prohibit cell phones in my classroom. They are a destraction to the student using them as well as to the students around them. I have a cell phone basket at the front of the room by the door. On the first day of class I give the students handouts of the classroom rules and go over this hand out in detail. Once I finish I have them sing a… >>>

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