I feel this course has explained some of the reactions an individual may have in a crisis as well as some ways to manage these reactions within myself and in others.
I learned how to help students with learning disabilities. They are just as capable as the other students but they may need more time. Their actual intelligence is the same or greater than every other student so they deserve the same chances. Also discussing with them what help or resources they may need is extremely beneficial.
Ensuring that you know the students primary language and allowing them to express when they dont understand it vital in the students success in your course.
I have learned the importance of student monitoring. Also the use of groups and ensuring that the groups are diverse and the students have the ability to work with different types of students.
I learned several things from this course so far. Some of the main points I took were to ensure repetition so that students retain information, move around during lecture to keep their attention, and speak slowly, clearly, and precisely.
Managing an online learning environment can have the same kinds of challenges as a face-to-face course. It is important to address any disruptive or inappropriate student behavior quickly and professionally, just as you would in any other academic setting.
Knowing which type of communication is best for certain situations in an online learning environment is important. You must chose a type of communication that is appropriate for the situation.
A good way of projecting your presence is to include a bio at the beginning of a course. Introduce yourself to your patients by sharing some highlights of your education, your experience in the field, and some fun facts about hobbies you enjoy.
If you want to help the students succeed in online courses you must be able to help them with the course material and technology support. You must know your platform in and out incase the students fall upon technological issues that are within your control.
My teaching style needs to vary so that different types of learners can understand my content. I need to make the presentation somewhat fun and able to grab the students attention so they don't lose interest. I must be sure to practice any demos or activities prior to the class so that I am prepared in competent.
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