Dennis Kaplan

Dennis Kaplan

About me


I found this section to be helpful, no matter your profession. In the 1970's, I was a NYC taxi driver (has to be THE most stressful job in the universe!); in the 1980's I was a fraud investigator for an international bank; since the early 1990's, I have been a college instructor. All of these jobs are stressfull--life is stressful! Tackling stress is essential to well-being, and being able to identify the stress, and the stressors in your life are the keys.

Shopping lists are okay, even necessary, but work lists seem to be counter-productive in that it adds another task to whatever other tasks you may have. In other words, the list itself, and it's maintenance, become tasks--and unnecessary ones at that! Lists actually amke things MORE stressful, as they are a constant reminder of what, supposedly, needs to be accomplished. An instructor doesn't have all that many varying tasks, and those same tasks are repeated each and every term. How could one forget them? Why would one need a list to remember their duties? Does a policeman make lists, too?… >>>

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