About me
About me
This class really highlights the interconnectedness of the students, faculty, and staff at an educational facility. Whether or not a student is able to cope with the stressors in their lives enough so that they can continue on in the program affects more than just themselves. By identifying and addressing problems early, the educator communicates that she or he cares about the students and this can help more of them feel comfortable being forthcoming about their needs and insecurities. Therefore, acts to retain and support one student can ripple throughout the group. Likewise, the loss of a student can lead… >>>
End of Content
End of Content
I agree that this is a great course. It includes important reminders on how to relate to students and conduct ourselves in front of them. Some of the things are easier to do than others. For the most part, I consider myself to be a fairly positive person but have occasionally given in to negativity and sarcasm. This is something I definitely need to work on but I am improving every day! I also think positivity is important even behind closed doors away from the students. If the instructors all have a "can-do" attitude and work together well, this will… >>>