Kate Behan

Kate Behan

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I enjoyed the theoretical information; too often I think career education doesn't provide our faculty with a theoretical underpinning from which to build a course or classroom management.  I like the R's of Andragogy as well & hope to incorporate several things from this course into my course design as I overhaul my online course organization.

That games can be used as valid assessment methods - which I suppose on some level I already knew, but I'm struggling with the idea of an education assessment being a game. But then I have never enjoyed games and much prefer more concrete, and I guess 'traditional' assessment of skill.  Also, that there is a scale for measuring learner engagement with a game.  I had absolutely no idea. 

The entire time I have been moving through this course I've been thinking of a way to make a game out of anatomical terms & the human body systems - I believe Sploder or Game Maker Studio will be just what I need.

Application of scaffolding to appropriately leverage game/simulation opportunities is a key aspect of design when these tools are being considered. 

The idea of a 'game' can be intimidating to both students and faculty - buy in becomes important. 

The 7 Principles of Learning is my biggest take-away.  In my setting faculty is comprised of professionals that have become educators, not professional educators.  I can tie the 7 Principles to policy related to online course facilitation & student interaction as I create/redesign faculty onboarding. 

The questions provided to ask students regarding technology use were very useful; I'd like to drive an online readiness course for students, as well as faculty, as these questions are applicable to both groups. 

Good online citizenship as relates to plagiarism and communication to drive engagement, professionalism, and other soft skills while working toward learning outcomes. 

Self-analysis for both students and instructors + understanding motivation as a criterion for success as aspects of course design & online readiness. 

Discussions as a best practice have become tedious - participation policies and rubrics can be used to re-energize this aspect of an online course

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