Keith Clements

Keith Clements

About me


Do you find cell phones are a help or hindrance?

Often I find something does not go as planned in the classroom. When it does and the students feel frustrated. I try and find a way to help turn the situation around and create it into a learning experirence. It's how you spind it to help the student see what work around would be implimented and how or what they could have done in that situation to remedy it.

I find that keeping the class interesting and interaction with students will help peak their intrest and they have ownership in the class. They will want to be there

I did find out a lot about different styles. Myself borders on the baby bommers and Gen X. I am a workaholic but do love the ease of the computor life style.

Thomas is right. I have had students think I'm soft due to being more forgiving in there actions during a lab event or classroom . I try in making the classroom a relaxed learning area where students are free to ask question and interact with the lecture part.Some may think I have low control due to what they precieve. But I do make it clear that I will enforce what nneds to be enforce as the stiuation arrises. I want the freeness to learn and not the legalistic approach. Once the students find that yes you do have the knowlegde… >>>

In our institution we see many different aged students. What have you noticed about the study habits between the age groups from 20's up to 50's?

I tend to see the older groups are more focused on the task at hand and have the discpline to get the work done.

I have had to reach out to several students that were failing. Yes we have to be careful not to make them feel bad however I have used the direct approach to tell them where they are at in the course. I do follow up with what they can do to correct the problem. I have had students come back and thank me for this approach. I do agree with Jessica that the key is not to make them feel bad but lead them to find their potential. That's the job of the instructor.

Discussion Comment
I believe that in courses that have a lot of technical learning based off of theory, that hands on or live demonstrations works the best. As you are speaking during your demonstration you are also showing the correct method of testing or the repair step needed. A PowerPoint or lecturing will not teach a specific point such as performing a test for available voltage verses a voltage drop on the same circuit. Showing the students where to measure for voltage across circuit removes doubt. Keith

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