It is important to communicate your customer service strategy to your entire organization. This can be done through a campus-wide meeting or task teams. It is important to keep the meeting relatively concise and foucus on one or two main strategies.
I learned that customer service is not always a given skill. Most need training to deliver proper service. What is expected of employees needs to be outlined clearly and intances of excellent implementation should be rewarded as encouragement.
To create value for a customer, you have to provide them with a positive experience. This can be done by making thier experience as seamless and comfortable as possible. Having adequate signage, friendly faces to direct them and creating positive touches right off the bat can generate a positive experience for the student.
Customer service has changed over time. In today's age, it is imperative to offer great customer service to stand out. Many large companies are bringing thier customer service back to in-house to compete with the smaller more intimate companies.
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