Never thought about the importance of artwork. Adding some color to the Modules will show students that there is more to this course than just text
Never thought of the possible attrition aspect if an instructor doesn't include a synchronous option
Easy navigation is important for all students - first-timers and old-timers - since all students need easy access to course information
Be clear on institution policies before locking a disruptive student out of a discussion chat
Not to post responses that are too long since then you, as the instructor, aren't engaging effectively with the class
I like the idea of the personalized email at the end of the first week which includes info from their individuals bios
Dropping students from discussion threads is a new suggestion I haven't heard of before
Without multiple viewpoints and multiple data sources you end up with a skewed perspective. Also, perhaps askign students before the course is over on feedback, might solicit some good suggestions
Needs to be meaningful and connected to the course objectives. Make sure the students understand the purpose of the assignment.
Clarity in expectations is key. Clear, consistent messaging will help with scaffolding and lead to student success.
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