kenya gibbs

kenya gibbs

About me



 Students are notorious for their favorite dress rehearal line. Especially, of complaining when they don't fulfill their end of the bargain. I remind them the purpose of school is to educate them, so that they could ultimately find a job or position to help build/start their lives and careers. My job is to serve as a educator, I come with the knowledge, and with your purpose in mind so that we can accomplish your goals. Bottom Line.

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I agree Ed 105 is great. I havent had the time to go back and re-evaluate myself but hopefully I will have time this week, to see how I have improved. Thanks

I think online teaching has advantages and disadvantages just like it every situation, event, or issue. But one of the biggest concerns is self motivation. Will students be motivated to get up in the middle of the day or night and complete their assignments, will they put in the extra effort, and produce a quality assignment,or will they rush through the assignment trying to beat the clock on the computer. Yes, you have the freedom to do your work in the pleasure of your own home, but what if the student has a question about their assignment their is no… >>>

Discussion Comment

I havent had any students with learning disabilites yet, however I am interested in the feedback from others. Thanks


I agree. I will try having my clinical students write their strengths and weakness on 3x5 cards to.

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