I spent a lot of time in the Core elements unit, focusing on the active learning strategies. Very helpful!
I learned the importance of incorporating the 4 Rs. I'm very focused moving forward on "dialogue learning"
I enjoyed the discussion about the holistic approach for skilled trades workers.
I learned that integrative instruction is about designing and mediating instruction that promotes and supports a full process of analysis, reflection, understanding, and application.
While I have only minimally used these, I am excited to implement more contextual learning in my classroom, such as problem-based learning.
I learned about the importance of modeling what you want students to learn. kb
I am looking forward to applyin gthe Four O's of Course Design when modifying course content.
I am most excited to apply the skills of being the "social director" of the course!
The unit on "establishing a pattern of teaching" will be invaluable in enhancing student learning. (This was an entirely new piece of information for me -- I had only been familiar with this in how I prepared my syllabus.)
I really appreciated the list of general questions to use to assess the technology form for effectiveness.
End of Content
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