Kathleen Kuznar

Kathleen Kuznar

About me

Hello. I am an online nursing educator. 


Rubrics can assist students in better understanding the requirements of an assignment. They also make grading the assignments easier for the instructor. There are advantages for both instructor and students.


Social networking sites need to be easily accessed by students. When determining the assessment of activities on social networking sites, a rubric is a good idea. The rubric allows students to see what is expected of their performance and makes it easier for the instructor to make a fair assessment. Although I have found rubrics a challenge to design in order to make them share the specific requirements of an assignment, they are worth the time taken to develop a strong rubric.



I have always questioned the scholarly application of social networking. However, I can see it is a way for students to review and determine what others are thinking. It also allows students to critique and share more information with others. They can learn through these activities. However, the instructor must ensure the activities of the students on social networking sites meet the objectives of the course and can be monitored and graded appropriately.


Technology and online learning can definitely enhance learning trades. As a nursing instructor, I have found that simulation is a safe way to practice advanced skills that could be risky to patients if not practiced in simulation. 

All students need to learn "soft skills." Instructors model these throughout the course. I think the resources provided are very helpful. As we as instructors become more effective with our soft skills--communication, presenting, critical thinking and problem-solving, etc.--the more students will learn. 


The online instructor can become overwhelmed with work. I found it refreshing in this module to hear it is important to distinguish work time from personal time. When teaching online, often from home, this can be a challenge. One must set up time for work and keep it separate from personal time.


Time management is very important for both instructors and students. The instructor must organize time to be able to successfully complete all required responsibilities. These include learning the LMS and other technologies, email, discussions, chats, facilitating learning, and managing the online environment.


Encouraging communication between the students and instructor and student to student is very important. The students don't see each other or the instructor face-to-face in online courses so don't get the interactions with others. As online instructors, it is our responsibility to build community. To do this, I plan to be more engaged in all discussions and in prompt replies to emails and other communications. I will encourage appropriate and correct written communication. In addition, I will model this to my students.


The workload of online course is not light, as some students may find. Time management skills are so important to prepare them. Including this information in orientation sessions and in welcome introductions to students is important. 


Both norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessments are important for student learning. As a nursing instructor, I need students to be compared to a standard when performing skills. However, they also must be compared to large groups so a norm-referenced assessment is also helpful in preparation for taking a national board exam. 


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