Kevin McGee

Kevin McGeeCHEP

About me


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A lot of times a student unknowingly looks to an instructor to just be there to listen so thst the student can get the stress off of his/her chest. Students that are far from home look up to instrutors for guidness while away from their parents.
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When being easy with the students they think that they can take control of the class and get away with everything. You have to be tough but flexable this shows that your in charge but understanding in their needs.
After taking this course I received a number of fresh ideals that I've forgotton or never knew. Although my teaching style is about 90% of what was taught in this course,it's always good to try new things and reinvent yourself. A student will remember certian instructors by their approach to the class. When you think outside the box it will leave a longer impression, they just might retain the information a bit longer.
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From what this course teaches, it goes right along with what we've been doing all along. I don't agree with giving out personal info. as in phone numbers to students, this could open a can of worms that can't be closed.
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Everything discussed in this course just backs up everyhting that we (instructors) are or should be doing anyway. It's good to know that we're doing it right.

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