I realized how much stressors impact my life/work balance and how I can change those around by eliminating and reducing stressors.
This has allowed me to reflect on stressors in my life currently and determine ways that it has negatively/positively impacted my work/life balance.
This is assisted me by reinforcing time management and the cause/effect of it.
Prioritizing task is essential for promoting time management and keeping on schedule.
This was helpful in order to figure out how to navigate the students and keep them engaged when they could potentially get discouraged.
I enjoyed this section because it allows me to understand how to navigate students that are having a difficult time learning the content, how to engage students, etc.
Students are engaged and want to learn through different ways, so the instructor needs to be diverse in teaching methods to engage all students.
This subject is helpful for my success with the students as it allows me to understand techniques/provides ideas on how to incorporate activities into the classroom to allow success for all students.
I have learned that I will be able to incorporate a flipped classroom method. I am excited to implement this into my classroom.
I found it interesting on how to incorporate a flipped classroom with the use of technology. Being able to incorporate strategies is beneficial in determining which concepts can be introduced and how exactly to utilize the flipped classroom method.
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